January 19 Update
Dear Senior Honors Choir,
Apologies for the delay in sending the update. This week has been a weird one with all of the closures, delays, and such. Whether you had a snow day or a virtual learning day, I hope that you are all safe, and that you were able to enjoy the snow, if you like this weather. As someone who grew up on an island, I’m ready for Spring or Summer already!
As we prepare for Sunday’s rehearsal please take a moment and look through the pieces that I mentioned last week: There is Sweet Music Here, Sing Out My Soul (tenors and basses), and And I Can Sing (sopranos and altos). We will focus on those pieces, as we will be joining the Junior Honors Choir next week (Sunday, January 28th).
We are still waiting for a lot of people to fill out the Google Form. Remember that this form will help us determine the mixed formation.
April 7th Concert Confirmation
We were able to confirm that we are able to move forward with our concert at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church on April 7th! The concert is currently scheduled for 3:00pm; we will discuss our call time on Sunday. I understand that the concert occurs as the Junior Honors Choir is rehearsing down the road. The concert will be no longer than 45-50 minutes, which should allow time for parents/guardians with students on both choirs to attend the concert, and still be at Asbury by the time JHC dismisses rehearsal.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday!
Carlos Casilla
Artistic Director
Senior Honors Choir Conductor
York County Honors Choirs