February 7 Update

Dear Senior Honors Choir,

As you know, this week we will be doing the part check. The reason we are doing this is to hold each other accountable for learning the music and ensure that we are truly creating the highest level of music that we are capable of. Sunday was chosen because only two of you will be missing this Sunday according to the attendance sheet created with the conflict forms you submitted. If you are going to be absent this week, please remember to email us at shcattendance@gmail.com

Part Check Information
Please use this Google Sheet to find your groupings for Sunday’s part checks. You will notice that some of you are listed more than once on the list. If that’s the case, the block with the asterisk (*) is the one that I will use for your part check. Every other time, you may be doubled (or sometimes more) because we may not have enough members of your voice part to cover all of the groups. I did not include the names of the two members I know will be missing on Sunday; if you do not see your name please let me know as soon as possible.

This time you should be prepared to sing any section of the following pieces:

  • We are th

  • We Remember Them

  • Bring Me All Your Dreams

  • In Remembrance

  • As Long As I’m Singing

  • There is Sweet Music Here

  • What A Wonderful World

This week we will be using the contemporary room for our rehearsal, so head straight to the back when you arrive at the church. 

Looking forward to listening to all of you in smaller groups this week!

Carlos Casilla 
Artistic Director
Senior Honors Choir Conductor
York County Honors Choirs


February 23


January 26 Update