June 26 Update

Dear Senior Honors Choir,

This will be the last newsletter of the 2022-2023 season. Thanks again for a wonderful year!

Graduating Seniors

As you are getting ready for college, or whatever the next step will be for you, we want to stay connected with you. We have mostly school emails for you, and we all know that those will probably start getting discontinued soon. Please take a moment and visit our Alumni Page on our website and use the link on the top to include your personal contact information so that we can stay in touch!

Returning Students

Again, I hope that you are all considering returning next year. In order to better plan to purchase music, rehearsal space, materials, and other things we would love to see as many of you fill out the 2023-2024 Registration Form soon. Please share the link with your friends who might be interested in joining us next year!

Also, there are a few spots available for the NY trip next week, so if anyone is interested in joining us, please send an email to Mr. Lytle at executivedirector@theychc.org as soon as possible. For those of us already joining us, this invitation extends to family members who might be interested in joining you. It is a first come first serve opportunity.

I hope you all have a wonderful and restful summer!!

Carlos Casilla
Artistic Director
Senior Honors Choir Director
York County Honors Choirs


Sept. 22 Update


June 15 Update