April 29
Dear Senior Honors Choir,
We are coming to the end of our season soon! We have two more performances coming up: our combined concert with the Junior Honors Choir this Saturday, and our Season Finale on June 2nd. There is one more event that we want to highlight and that many of you have asked for: a Senior Celebration event!
Senior Celebration Event
Please pencil in your calendars for the late afternoon/early evening of Saturday, June 1st (the same weekend of our Finale) for an evening in which we celebrate our seniors, those who wish to perform a solo will do so, and we will follow up with light appetizers to share among our guests. Although this event is to celebrate our seniors with their families, all other members of our choir are welcome to attend.
May 4th Concert
As I mentioned above, we have our concert this Saturday, May 4th at York College at 7:30pm. The recital hall only has 200 seats, so for that reason we are only able to accommodate three guests per family.
The call time is 5:30pm at the DeMeester Recital Hall. Please arrive before 5:30pm so that we can actually start our rehearsal promptly at 5:30pm with your performance outfits already on. The timing would be as follows:
5:30pm - Start of rehearsal (JHC on stage, SHC in classroom)
6:15pm - Combined SA and TB pieces rehearsals (SA on stage, TB in classroom)
6:50pm - Combined rehearsal on stage for Why We Sing
7:00pm - SHC stays on stage to work on staging
7:15pm - Doors open to the audience
7:30m - Start of concert
Our set for this concert will be:
We Are the Music Makers
Bring Me All Your Dreams
In Remembrance
What a Wonderful World
As Long As Iām Singing
I am looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday!
Carlos Casilla
Artistic Director
Senior Honors Choir Conductor
York County Honors Choirs