March 25 Update



You did an excellent job at the JHC+EC concert at the Pullo on March 24! People commented to me about how focused you were on stage and how well you sang. And, they mentioned how expressive some of you were and how that made the performance especially enjoyable. Kudos!!!

April 7 Rehearsal

Our next rehearsal is on Sunday, April 7. We’ll refine some things in our songs, rehearse with the drummer (different person from first concert), and focus on preparing the combined SHC+JHC music that will be performed at our upcoming concert. The rehearsal time is from 1:00-4:00pm like usual, but if you are NOT part of the song “And I Can Sing,” you may leave rehearsal early at 3:20pm.

What to practice:

Completely MEMORIZE “And I Can Sing” (treble group) or “Sing Out My Soul” (lower voices group).

Solidify memory of “Inveniam Viam.”

Review ALL of your music a few times to keep it fresh in your mind and to continue to refine your expressive delivery of the text.

Full Recordings

If the divisi in the recordings below is not the same as our version, be sure to sing your exact part from OUR VERSION of the song, not what you might hear here.

Upcoming Dates

  • April 7 — Rehearsal

  • April 28 — Rehearsal and CLINICIAN

  • May 4 (Saturday) — evening CONCERT at York College with Senior Honors Choir

  • May 19 — Rehearsal

  • June 2 — afternoon CONCERT at the Appell Center with all YCHC ensembles

Rachel Morgan Im
Junior Honors Choir Conductor
York County Honors Choirs

The only thing better than singing is MORE singing. (Ella Fitzgerald)


April 20 Update


March 11 Update