February 11 Update
WHAT TO PRACTICE — due February 25
Songs that should be FULLY MEMORIZED by February 25th:
“All the Pretty Little Horses”
“Defying Gravity” (make sure you know which chorus happens when)
“Hine Ma Tov” (review memory; this was due February 11th)
“Together” (review memory; this was due February 11th)
“Hold Fast to Dreams” (review memory; this was due November 19th)
“Why We Sing” (review memory; this was due November 19th)
Songs that you should be able to sing very CONFIDENTLY and should be making progress on getting memorized (bonus if you have them all the way!):
“Dreams of the Dreamer”
Full Recordings
If the divisi in the recordings below is not the same as our version, be sure to sing your exact part from OUR VERSION of the song, not what you might hear here.
“All the Pretty Little Horses” (with drum kit) - this is an SATB recording; we are doing SAB
“Defying Gravity” (with drum kit) - this is an SATB recording; we are doing SAB
“Dreams of the Dreamer” - this is an SSATB recording; we are doing SSAB
“Hine Ma Tov” (with flute) - this is our exact version
“Hold Fast to Dreams” - this is our exact version
“Inveniam” - this is our exact version (except they don’t use any dynamics, smh)
“Together” (with drum kit) - this is our exact version
“Why We Sing” (with drum kit) - this is our exact version (except we don’t do the descant); fast-forward to timestamp 2:17
SOPRANOS/ALTOS ONLY: “And I Can Sing” - this is our exact version
LOWER VOICES ONLY: “Sing Out My Soul” - this is our exact version
Inclement Weather Plan
During winter months, if inclement weather will cause a rehearsal cancellation, we will notify you via Remind and email.
Upcoming Dates
February 25 — Rehearsal (with drummer)
March 10 — Rehearsal
March 24 — CONCERT at the Pullo Center with YCHC Elementary Choir
April 7 — Rehearsal
April 28 — Rehearsal and CLINICIAN
May 4 (Saturday) — CONCERT at York College with Senior Honors Choir
May 19 — Rehearsal
June 2 — CONCERT at the Appell Center with all YCHC ensembles
Rachel Morgan Im
Junior Honors Choir Conductor
York County Honors Choirs
The only thing better than singing is MORE singing. (Ella Fitzgerald)